How To Fold T-Shirts In Under 3 Seconds | T Shirt Folding Tips | 4 Ways To Store Tee’s

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A staple piece in every man’s wardrobe.

But how to store t-shirts properly between wears?

It turns out there are at least 4 ways to fold a t-shirt.

In today’s video…

I’m going to teach you all four methods, including a trick to folding a t-shirt in only 2 seconds.

Whether you are traveling and need to save on space in your suitcase…

Or if you just need to know the best way to store your t-shirts at home…

I’ve got a method that will be perfect for you.

 watch the video and read the instructions for each method.


Folding T-Shirts – Method #1: The Basic Fold

This is the simple method that most people default to. Lay the t-shirt out flat, face down, with the top of the shirt facing towards you. Fold the shirt in half from left to right, then fold the sleeves in towards the middle. Now fold the shirt in half from bottom to top. You can either stop here or fold it in half again to take up less room. Flip the shirt over and you are good to go.

The advantages of this method are:

  • It’s simple and well-known
  • It's equally useful for storage or travel

The main disadvantage is:

  • You're likely to have some creases develop where you’ve folded the shirt


Folding T-Shirts – Method #2: The Marine Roll (Army Roll)

Folding T-Shirts Marine Roll

The second method is known as the army roll and is popular in the military for its efficient use of space. Lay the shirt out flat, face up, and then fold the bottom of the shirt up 3-4 inches. Smooth out the fabric to minimize wrinkles, then fold the shirt into thirds. Start on the left side, folding it over the center. Then take the left sleeve and fold it back over the center. You will now do the same with the right side, bringing it over before folding the right sleeve back to the center.

Now you are ready to start rolling. Start at the collar end, making sure you keep the roll nice and tight. Once you get to the end you will undo the fold you created at the bottom of the shirt and tuck it over each end of the roll to keep it in place.

This roll takes up very little space so it is perfect for when you don’t have much room in your dresser or suitcase.

The main disadvantages are that it takes slightly longer to do than some of the other methods and you still may end up with some wrinkles and creases from the tight roll.


Folding T-Shirts – Method #3: The Hanger

Folding T-Shirts Hanger

The third method doesn’t require any folding or rolling; you will simply put your shirt on a hanger and place it in your closet. Make sure you use plastic hangers for this, wire hangers can cause the dreaded shirt “nipples”, which are not a good look and won’t come out until you launder the shirt again.

The main advantage of this method is you will avoid the creases and wrinkles sometimes caused by the other methods.

Despite the big plus, there are a couple of downsides going this route. The first problem is it hanging a t-shirt isn’t very helpful when you need to pack your clothing in a suitcase. The second is you may find that you’re using up a good size chunk of your closet space for t-shirts that would be better used for dress shirts and jackets.


Folding T-Shirts – Method #4: The 2-Second Fold

Folding T-Shirts 2 Second Roll

This final method is my favorite. It creates a great looking fold and is so fast it’s practically a magic trick.

Lay the shirt out flat, smoothing it out to remove any wrinkles. You are going to imagine two lines, one that goes across the middle of the shirt, and one that goes top to bottom between the collar and the left sleeve.

Where the lines intersect is going to be point A, the top of the shirt is going to be point B, and the bottom of the shirt is point C. Stand on the right side of the shirt and pinch point A with your left hand.

Make sure to grab both the top and bottom layer of fabric. Pinch point B with your right hand, then bring point B down to point C. You will now uncross your arms and lay the shirt face down on the table. Use the table to fold the shirt until you have an even amount of fabric on each side of the shirt. If you want you can fold it again in the middle to take up a bit less space.

With a little bit of practice – you can become lightning fast at this method. There is truly no faster way to fold a shirt.

The main disadvantage of this method is it isn’t quite as space efficient as some of the other techniques, and you can still get the occasional crease or wrinkle.

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