How do I install fonts on my Windows PC?

How do I install fonts on my Windows PC?


  • Make sure you are installing the desktop fonts and not web fonts. Fonts purchased for @font-face embedding cannot be installed as a desktop font. If you purchased both, you may be looking in the wrong folder.
  • Zipped folders MUST be unzipped. Some Windows operating systems allow you to peek inside a zipped folder. This does not mean it is actually unzipped.

Windows 10

  • Unzip the folder containing the fonts first. Fonts cannot be installed if they are zipped.
  • Right click on the font file and select Install.


  • Search for Fonts in the search box by the start menu.
  • Click on the Fonts (Control Panel) link to open the Fonts Manager
  • Drag and Drop or Copy and Paste the unzipped fonts into the Fonts Manager to install.

Windows 8

  • Unzip the folder containing the fonts first. Fonts cannot be installed if they are zipped.
  • Right click on the font file and select Install.


  • Go to search in the start menu.
  • Search for Fonts in settings.
  • Click on the Fonts Folder to open the Font folder.
  • Drag and Drop or Copy and Paste the unzipped fonts files into the Fonts folder to install.

Windows 7

  • Unzip the fonts first. Fonts cannot be installed if they are zipped.
  • Right click the font file and select 'Install.'

Windows Vista

  • Unzip the fonts first. Fonts cannot be installed if they are zipped.
  • From the 'Start' menu select 'Control Panel.'
  • Then select 'Appearance and Personalization.'
  • Then click on 'Fonts.'
  • Click 'File', and then click 'Install New Font.'
  • If you don’t see the File menu, press 'ALT'.
  • Navigate to the folder that contains the fonts you want to install.
  • Select the fonts you want to install.
  • Press the 'Install' button to install the fonts.

Windows XP

  • Unzip the fonts first. Fonts cannot be installed if they are zipped.
  • From the 'Start' menu select 'Control Panel.'
  • Select the 'Appearance and Themes' category.
  • Select 'Fonts' from the 'See Also' panel at the left of the screen.
  • In the Fonts window, select the 'File menu', and choose 'Install New Font.'
  • Navigate to the folder that contains the fonts you want to install.
  • Select the fonts you want to install.
  • Press the 'OK' button to install the fonts.

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